Thank you everyone, for your wonderful get-well messages. They work on me like a powerful tonic!
With all the time I suddenly have for thinking, it dawned on me that there has been a lot of cancer on my mother's side. She passed away from it about 2 years ago. 12 years before that, her little sister died from breast cancer. Grandma also died of cancer, if I'm not mistaken, as did her older sister. On my dad's side, none of that. Doctors insist the disease isn't hereditary. Hmmmm.
My stitched-up abdomen isn't as painful as it was. The tube in my nose was removed the 2nd day. And they removed that nasty old catheter from my weiner the next day. Piece by piece, I'm being restored.
My impression of receiving an operation is that it's very much like being struck and almost killed by lightning. One's equilibrium is almost destroyed--standing up or walking become impossible. The doctors have perfected about 300 steps which must be followed in order to correct what has been temporarily lost. Some steps are for the doctor or nurse to carry out exactly--some are for the patient to do. Healing is a natural process, but since this is directed, maximised healing, there's a lot of discipline involved. For example, I don't dare cough, because it hurts like hell. If I need to cough, I'll do it, but as little as possible. I'm sure this will make me stronger than I was. I know that this whole surgical adventure made me a bigger man, but that was only until the swelling went down.
I'll continue the updates until I'm back to Animan-ness once again!
With all the time I suddenly have for thinking, it dawned on me that there has been a lot of cancer on my mother's side. She passed away from it about 2 years ago. 12 years before that, her little sister died from breast cancer. Grandma also died of cancer, if I'm not mistaken, as did her older sister. On my dad's side, none of that. Doctors insist the disease isn't hereditary. Hmmmm.
My stitched-up abdomen isn't as painful as it was. The tube in my nose was removed the 2nd day. And they removed that nasty old catheter from my weiner the next day. Piece by piece, I'm being restored.
My impression of receiving an operation is that it's very much like being struck and almost killed by lightning. One's equilibrium is almost destroyed--standing up or walking become impossible. The doctors have perfected about 300 steps which must be followed in order to correct what has been temporarily lost. Some steps are for the doctor or nurse to carry out exactly--some are for the patient to do. Healing is a natural process, but since this is directed, maximised healing, there's a lot of discipline involved. For example, I don't dare cough, because it hurts like hell. If I need to cough, I'll do it, but as little as possible. I'm sure this will make me stronger than I was. I know that this whole surgical adventure made me a bigger man, but that was only until the swelling went down.
I'll continue the updates until I'm back to Animan-ness once again!