I am gratified and very happy that so many fans and friends have purchased "Animan's Heracles". Every animator has something to say; but it means nothing unless there is someone willing to watch and listen. I offer my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of you!

On February 17, 2012, I began this blog. I had no idea if my movies would ever sell or not. I was very uncertain about everything. But when I began selling my works, I noticed that I was receiving e-mails from the same friendly people. Even now, I haven't met any of you formally--but I still feel as if you are all old friends. And you are!

With the release of Heracles, I have been filling the video orders manually. Some of you have had to wait because I was sleeping or at the grocery store. Others of you have been lucky--you sent in your order just as I was at my computer.  Because I have been sending the links to you myself, something very wonderful has happened: many of you have sent me e-mail messages. All of them have been positive, kind, and healing. So, I would like to share them with you here.

Thank you Animan for your quick response.
I am a french fan : keep making us fantasize with your awesome work!
Have a nice summer,
Best Regards

Thank you!

Thanks so much!

I'm a longtime supporter (I've purchased all of your movies) but was concerned when the order defaulted to an email address I rarely use and I didn't notice until after I received the confirmation.
I didn't want to add to your problems - especially now that it appears you are being forced to work on a holiday. Hopefully you'll be able to have some fun anyway.
I (obviously) love your work!

Thank you again, for continuing to make your videos, even with all the problems you have had in your life, and continuing to sell them, even with the most recent of issues. I would continue to buy your videos, even if you had to raise your price to 15 dollars per video.
Greatest of thanks to you.

Thank YOU!!!! Your Work is AMAZING.....Any thoughts on the next one?

Thank You for the immediate response.

Great Videos, can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Have a great day.....BHL

Thanks. Discovered your videos online, and am SO glad I can pay for them now! Your work is dead sexy.
Thanks again-

Hey, Animan
Great work again. I've been a big fan for a while now, and I'm glad you're on the mend from your surgery. Keep up the good work & be well.

The old ways sometimes are better (selling it like this)

It's downloading now, I'm so excited for it :)

Thanks, Animan.
I've just started the download, but I'm positive I'll love him!

Congratulations. You are a genius, really good action wonderful colour and the dp was great. Well done another brilliant and wonderful movie.