I want to apologize to ALL of you, my friends in Animan's World! So, WHAT HAPPENED?

Well, Blogspot is set up so that when new comments come in, they appear in my e-mail. Then I click on them, and approve them for publishing in this blog.

But during the past few months, I got NO comments in my e-mail. I thought, "Well, I haven't made any new films yet..., maybe that's why people aren't commenting. I can't blame them for losing interest. Oh, well......"

Then yesterday, Blogspot sends me an e-mail, asking me if I still want to receive comments for this blog. WTF?

Of COURSE! I never said I didn't!  But, I had been super busy, and neglected this blog for 6 months, and that was the kiss of death. I'm VERY sorry, Friends.

Just now, a comment for this blog came into my e-mail box, so I came here to approve it. But what I never expected to find is also here: millions and zillions (well, almost) of comments from everyone, dating back 6 months! O M G, what a lot of backtracking I have to do---I eventually want to answer as many as I can. It might take several days (or more). But I wasn't forgotten--people WERE writing to me--even if I had no idea they were. I'm so happy to find that out.

Those comments were addressed to the "DD3 is Here at Last" post. I have posted a part of them just now, but haven't answered any yet. You see, at the moment, I'm watching over the DD4 orders coming in, making sure that everyone gets their movies. Some people have problems downloading, so I go send them a Dropbox link where they can download it. I need to mechanize this process, because I have to stay up all night in order to answer them quickly, and it's tiring!

By the way, many of the comments I saw asked about where to buy Animan movies. Please go to mranimanstudios.com and check out the site!

So, I plan to:
1. Answer the comments I added to "DD3 is Here at Last"
2. Add more comments to that list
3. Finish answering them all

My deepest and most sincere apologies to all of you in Animan's World. I am not ignoring you on purpose---I just wasn't getting your comments in my e-mail, so I thought my fan base had dwindled down to nothing. I never take anything for granted.

Thank you for being patient and loyal. I am in your debt.
